
Sandalwood is priciest tree fragrance tree found in India, Australia and some part of Indonesia. It requires cool whether climate where rainfall should be moderate and have dry weather for long period. Heart wood of sandalwood is use for manufacturing perfumes, aromatherapy oil and for pharmaceuticals. A sandalwood grows till 12 to 16 meter high and its maturity age is from 14 to 16 year at which we get pure matured heartwood which has high demand in global market. Sandalwood is also known as ;candan’ or ‘Srigandha’ in ancient Indian language. It found in Mysore and some part of Karnataka. In middle years of 90 due to its insufficient supply and awareness increase demand in international market. Indian and Australian sandalwood has demand in global market. Indian government has remove restriction from the cultivation of sandalwood, here now private farmers can cultivate the sandalwood. it’s an commercial value plant which gives high and profitable returns on their cultivation. Two verities of sandalwood is found in India white sandalwood and red sandalwood.

Sandalwood Trees

white sandalwood
White Sandalwood

White sandalwood commonly known as Chandan in India. Here from white sandalwood we can extract powder from its bark and oil from its heartwood use as essence for perfumes, soaps and sticks. Mostly white sandalwood heartwood use for perfume industry and pharmacy.

red sandalwood
Red Sandalwood

Red sandalwood is well known as Rakt Chandan in India. Unlike white sandalwood its heartwood is in red colors. It require many years to comes in maturity. Most of the product of red sandalwood is in powder form.